An Interview with Bradley Greenwood, CEO of Scalio


Since the first quarter 2020, remote work trends and expectations have significantly evolved. Initially, many employers were unprepared for their entire workforce to work from home, but thanks to technology and innovation, remote work has proven successful for many organizations. Around the world, employers are increasingly embracing flexible schedules for their remote teams, leading to new remote work trends and more remote work options. According to Upwork, 22% of the workforce, or 36.2 million Americans, will work remotely by 2025. This shift has brought numerous benefits, including improved productivity, reduced costs, and enhanced employee satisfaction.

Bradley Greenwood, CEO of Scalio, a digital product company that started with an in-office environment in downtown San Francisco and later pioneered a remote culture long before "remote-first" became a widely recognized concept, shares insights into building and sustaining a thriving remote culture. Inspired by companies like GitLab, Basecamp, and Atlassian, Scalio transitioned to a fully remote model by 2016. Driven by core values of integrity, empathy, and innovation, Scalio maintains these principles through transparency, open communication, and a focus on employee well-being. Scalio's journey offers a valuable case study on leveraging remote work to drive growth and innovation.


Company Culture and Values

Q: Can you share a bit about Scalio's overall company culture and how it has evolved over the years?

Brad: Scalio’s culture is deeply rooted in my early experiences at Yahoo and various startups, where I saw firsthand how easily company values could be compromised during periods of growth. When we founded Scalio in 2011, I was determined to build a culture centered on empathy, transparency, and respect—values I felt were often lacking in corporate environments. Initially, we were an in-office team, but as we transitioned to a remote culture in 2016, these values remained our guiding principles. The executive team has played a critical role in this evolution, each bringing their expertise to ensure that as we’ve grown into a global team spread across 22 countries, we’ve maintained the close-knit, collaborative environmewhat nt we started with.

Q: What core values drive Scalio’s culture, and how do you ensure these values are upheld across the organization?

Brad: The core values at Scalio are integrity, empathy, and innovation. These values were shaped by my experiences in the tech industry, where I saw how easily values can become meaningless when companies prioritize short-term gains over long-term vision. To ensure these values are upheld, our executive team prioritizes open communication and transparency across all levels of the organization. We regularly gather honest feedback from our team, which allows us to spot patterns and address any issues before they escalate. By embedding these values into our daily operations and decision-making processes, we ensure that they are more than just words—they are the foundation of our operations.


Remote Work Adoption and Growth

Q: What inspired Scalio to adopt a remote culture, and how has this decision impacted the company’s growth and productivity?

Brad: The decision to transition to a remote culture was inspired by a desire to offer flexibility to our team and attract top talent from around the world. My experiences at Yahoo and various startups showed me the importance of maintaining core values. I saw remote work as a way to build a company culture that prioritized empathy, transparency, and respect. By 2016, we had fully embraced a remote culture long before it became the norm. This shift has allowed us to scale efficiently, maintain high levels of innovation, and increase job satisfaction, all of which have been key drivers of our growth and productivity.

Q: How do you envision the future of work at Scalio, especially with the ongoing changes in the global work environment?

Brad: The future of work at Scalio will continue to be defined by flexibility, innovation, and inclusivity. As the global work environment evolves, we’re committed to staying ahead of the curve by refining our remote culture and adopting new technologies that enhance collaboration and productivity. We believe that by focusing on these areas, we can create a work environment that supports our team’s success and drives continuous growth and innovation. We see Scalio’s future as being at the forefront of remote work, where flexibility and inclusivity are the norms, not the exceptions. As the world of work evolves, we’re committed to leading with a culture that embraces change, prioritizes people, and leverages technology to create a dynamic and thriving workplace.


Building and Maintaining a Remote Culture

Q: What are some of the biggest challenges Scalio has faced in building and maintaining a remote culture, and how have you addressed them?

Brad: One of the biggest challenges in building and maintaining a remote culture has been ensuring precise and consistent communication across different time zones. We’ve addressed this by implementing a mix of asynchronous communication tools and regular daily stand-ups. For example, we use Slack for ongoing conversations and Jira for project management, helping keep everyone aligned and informed. We’ve also established clear communication guidelines and best practices to ensure that collaboration remains smooth and effective, regardless of our team members' location. This structured approach has helped us overcome potential barriers to connection and productivity.

Q: How do you foster community and collaboration among your employees, especially remote employees?

Brad: Fostering community and collaboration in a remote environment requires intentional effort. Our employees are spread across 22 countries, and they stay connected through a variety of strategies. We host regular virtual meet-ups like team-building events and social hours. Additionally, we leverage over 200 internal Slack channels, many dedicated to culture-building topics such as travel, books, music, and tech discussions. These channels encourage ongoing conversations, helping every team member feel connected and valued. Team collaboration also happens through internal product work where employees unite within their business units, ensuring alignment and shared goals while working with the latest emerging technology. Leadership plays an active role in staying accessible, ensuring that open communication is a consistent part of our culture, and allowing everyone to contribute and feel like part of the larger Scalio community.

Q: What steps has Scalio taken to create an inclusive environment for remote employees, ensuring they feel valued and part of the team?

Brad: Building an inclusive environment in a remote setting requires careful planning and commitment. At Scalio, we’ve developed a comprehensive onboarding process to ensure new team members feel welcomed and fully supported from day one. We also organize regular virtual social events tailored to different time zones and interests, making them accessible to everyone. We strongly emphasize open communication and feedback, regularly gathering input from our team to identify areas where we can improve inclusivity and understanding. Additionally, we’ve introduced wellness initiatives, recognizing the importance of mental and physical health in maintaining a productive and engaged workforce. These efforts contribute to a culture where everyone feels valued and connected, no matter where they are located.

Q: What future initiatives or plans does Scalio have to strengthen its remote culture further?

Brad: Looking ahead, we’re focused on several initiatives to further strengthen our remote culture. One of our key priorities is to continue investing in advanced collaboration tools that can support our growing team. We’re also enhancing our communication strategies to ensure every team member feels connected and engaged, no matter where they are. Another area of focus is wellness—we’re exploring new ways to integrate additional wellness initiatives into our work culture, recognizing that mental and physical health are critical to maintaining a productive and engaged workforce. These initiatives are all part of our commitment to creating a remote work environment that supports our team’s success and well-being.


Tools and Strategies for Remote Work

Q: Can you share some specific strategies or tools Scalio uses to support remote work and keep teams connected?

Brad: At Scalio, we use several key tools and strategies to keep our remote teams connected. Slack is our primary platform for real-time communication, allowing us to maintain an ongoing dialogue across the team. We rely heavily on Jira for project management, which helps keep everyone aligned on tasks and deadlines. Google Meet is our go-to for more formal meetings and stand-ups, providing that face-to-face connection that’s so important in a remote setting. Beyond the tools, we’ve established regular virtual events, such as monthly all-hands and various team-building events, to keep the team bonded personally. These initiatives are vital to maintaining a strong team dynamic and ensuring everyone feels part of the Scalio community.

Q: How do you measure and maintain employee engagement and satisfaction in a remote setting?

Brad: Maintaining employee engagement in a remote setting is one of our top priorities at Scalio. We measure engagement through regular surveys, one-on-one check-ins, and daily team stand-ups. I personally hold regular one-on-one meetings with many employees across the company, which allows me to gather direct feedback and address any concerns proactively. Additionally, we have a recognition program that highlights individual and team achievements, helping keep morale high. Career development is another area we focus on—we offer tailored growth plans that align with each employee’s goals, ensuring they have the resources and opportunities to advance within the company. By consistently monitoring and responding to our team’s needs, we ensure that our employees remain engaged, motivated, and satisfied.


Leadership and Management in a Remote Setting

Q: As a leader, how do you stay connected with your remote teams and ensure they have the support they need?

Brad: The entire executive team prioritizes staying connected with our remote teams. We run a monthly all-hands meeting where team leads give a quick rundown of their projects and achievements from the past month. These meetings help keep everyone informed and foster a sense of unity across the company. Additionally, each executive holds regular one-on-one meetings with their respective team leads to check progress and provide support. This collaborative approach ensures that we stay attuned to the company’s needs and that our teams have the resources and guidance they need to succeed.

Q: What qualities do you look for in managers and team leads to ensure they can effectively lead remote teams?

Brad: When selecting managers and team leads, especially for remote teams, we look for individuals who excel in communication, empathy, and adaptability. These qualities are essential in a remote environment where face-to-face interaction is limited. An excellent remote leader must communicate clearly and effectively, ensuring everyone understands their role and responsibilities. They also need to be empathetic, recognize the unique challenges that come with remote work and provide the necessary support. Finally, adaptability is key—they need to adjust to changing circumstances and find creative solutions to problems that arise in a distributed team setting. We also invest in ongoing leadership training to help our managers develop these skills and lead their teams effectively.

Q: How do you handle performance management and career development for remote employees at Scalio?

Brad: Performance management and career development in a remote setting are handled with a focus on continuous feedback and personalized growth plans. We conduct performance reviews and encourage ongoing conversations between leads and their teams. This allows us to address issues promptly and provide guidance and support as needed. We also offer tailored growth plans that align with each employee’s career goals, ensuring they have the resources and opportunities to advance within the company. This approach helps us retain top talent and ensures our employees feel supported in their professional journey.


Personal Reflections and Work-Life Balance

Q: What has been your personal most significant learning experience in leading a remote company?

Brad: Leading a remote company has reinforced the importance of adaptability and maintaining a people-first culture. One of my biggest learning experiences has been understanding the nuances of remote communication and the need for intentionality in fostering connections. It’s not just about having the right tools; it’s about creating an environment where people feel valued, heard, and supported. This approach has been key to navigating the challenges of remote leadership and ensuring that our team remains engaged and motivated.


Q: How do you manage your own work-life balance as the CEO of a remote company?

Brad: Maintaining work-life balance as a CEO, especially in a remote setting, requires discipline and clear boundaries, but I’ll be the first to admit that nobody’s perfect—myself included. I often find myself working too much, but I’m constantly trying to improve. I structure my day to make more time for family and focus on my physical and mental health. It’s an ongoing process, and I aim to model this balance for the team, encouraging them to prioritize their well-being.


Bradley Greenwood’s leadership at Scalio demonstrates the profound potential of a well-crafted remote culture. By prioritizing core values such as integrity, empathy, and innovation, Scalio has navigated the challenges of a remote environment and leveraged its advantages to drive growth and productivity. As remote work continues to evolve, Scalio is a testament to the enduring power of flexibility, inclusivity, and intentionality in building a thriving, connected, and innovative workforce.


Founded by Bradley Greenwood in 2011, Scalio is a digital product company that transitioned to a fully remote model by 2016. With a team spanning 22 countries, Scalio maintains a people-first culture centered on integrity, empathy, and innovation. Under Bradley’s leadership, the company emphasizes transparency, open communication, and employee well-being, attracting and retaining top-tier talent globally.

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